Review of ‘The Third Sin’ by Aline Templeton (Crime, Adult)

This is the kind of book that once you start reading, will be difficult to put down. The genre of the book being crime and thriller might contribute to the difficulty in putting the book down as the first pages start off with the crime itself.

Right, so I believe this is based in North UK where you will be introduced to a huge base of characters: the police authorities that deal with the crime and the suspects themselves. You may be a little overwhelmed at first with all the characters that are brought in but as you move through the chapters each of them are given a specific characteristic that you can attach to them- much easier to remember them by. There seems to be about 6 main police authorities working in a team and about 8 main characters that interlink with being suspects to the crime- two of these being a family- along with other various characters that are included now and then in the story. Trust me! It’s fine you will definitely see each character for their distinctiveness.

So, without any further delays and spoilers, *Ehem*…

Their car is parked alone near a forest whilst they- a group of friends, also known as a gang called the Cyrenaics are taking to their own pleasures in the middle of the night i.e. getting high (They have a belief that pleasure is paramount in life) which leads to the night ending horribly wrong. As this incident fragments the gang, a complicated story unfolds as another incident takes place two years later. The leader of the police team- Marjory Fleming takes this case into her own hands with her team from another detective- Harris, who with open hostility does not want her to succeed even though he can’t seem to get any progress on it either. Old ties are unleashed, deep secrets are revealed, unintended consequences are inevitable and the stories are tossed around in fire and water as progress turns into confusion and evidence refuses to make sense.

This will keep you guessing all the way through, and since there are so many characters and plot lines, the possibilities are absolutely endless. I will admit I didn’t guess the right person! It was fun trying to though. Oh also, this might be part of a trilogy as there are two other books that look similar, saying that, I didn’t find it difficult to understand anything or felt like I was being left in the dark about a serious matter. So I am pretty sure you can read this first and then go back to the other two, which is what I am planning to do. I’ll let you know how the other ones go! Happy reading, if you decide to take this out. Definitely do recommend it if you like the ol’ Cluedo game style of trying to guess who it could be with all the clues that turn up.